Add sudo user and setup ssh config

1. Login in as root into the remote linux machine

We shall create a new user, set its passwd and add to wheel for sudo access

$ user add nithintsk
$ passwd nithintsk
$ usermod -aG wheel nithintsk

2. Modify your ssh config file on the local machine

Edit your ssh config file at ~/.ssh/config (Create a new one if you have to)

# Jump host
Host jump-box
    User ntihintsk
    ForwardAgent yes
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_PERSONAL

# Remote VM
Host remote-vm
    ProxyJump jump-box
    User nithintsk
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_PERSONAL

3. Enable passwordless ssh

Generate a new ssh key if you don’t already have one

$ ssh-keygen

Copy over the key to your jump box and remote serve

$ ssh-copy-id jump-box
$ ssh-copy-id remote-vm